The concept of global warming has trumpeted a lot globally, especially with climate change enthusiasts. Reducing the effects of global warming needs a collective effort of earth's dwellers. You can choose to participate in this noble effort, but how much is your knowledge of global warming? Hopefully, the question will trigger your interest in understanding global warming correctly. Greenhouse gases (GHG) increase the earth's warmth by slowing the escape rate of energy to space and through energy absorption. Thus, there was a need to develop the Global Warming Potential to act as a yardstick for measuring the level of harm of different gases.
The measure of different gases' relative effects of global warming best describes the GWP definition. GWP compares the amount of heat in a certain mass of a specific gas with the heat found in carbon dioxide with the same mass over a specific period. Global Warming Potential as a measure is an essential tool since it pinpoints the specific gasses speeding the rate of global warming. The larger the GWP of a particular gas, the more likely it is that that gas will cause more warmth to the earth when compared to carbon dioxide. Therefore, policymakers utilize GWP to measure opportunities to reduce emissions in different sectors and gas-producing industries. It is important to note that gwp plays an essential role in managing all the emissions reporting and accounting systems that have an association with the UNFCCC. Primarily, they are used to weigh the benefits of reducing the production and emission of a particular gas against another. For instance, the global warming potential of methane, GWP refrigerant, and other gases. A specific type of GWP has been used for a long time, called the 100-year GWP. This kind measures the effects of greenhouses gases in 100 years from emission. Recently this kind of measure has been overhauled by a 20-year GWP measure. This measure shortens the time frame of GWPs since it uses a 20-year period for measuring the global warming potential of methane, GWP refrigerant, and other gasses. The global warming potential of methane, GWP refrigerant, has been found to cause one of the highest adverse effects on the environment. Thus, an extreme early reduction in the global warming potential of methane, GWP refrigerant, could reduce the rate of warming by a percentage of 25 to 40 between the years 2030 and 20502.
Global Warming Potential serves as the best tool for the management of global warming. The short-lived emission of gases has caused a massive reduction in warming for many decades. That will create a healthy and conducive environment since, with time, the lethal gases that hasten global warming would have been tamed and managed. Policymakers will be specific with the type of gasses to regulate and their production management levels.